Fatwas On Tawaf
Fatwas On Tawaf (circumblation)
- Performing Tawaf far away from the Ka'bah
Question: What is the ruling of performing Tawaf behind the standing place (Maqam Abraham) or behind the well of Zamzam?
Answer: There is no harm in that, even if the person performed the Tawaf in the areas with awnings in the Masjid that is sufficient for him, However, the closer he is to the Ka'bah, the better. If there is room there and there is no crowding, he should come close to the Ka'bah and that is better. If that is difficult for him, he should perform Tawaf at a distance, and there is no problem with that.
Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah Darussalam Vol:4 page no.173
- When the Prayer begins during Tawaf
Question: What is the ruling if the prayer starts and the Hajj pilgrim has not completed Tawaf or Sa’y?
Answer: He prays with the pilgrims and then he resumes his Tawaf or Sa’y from where he left off. He begins from wherever he stopped.
Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah vol.4, p.182, DARUSSALAM
- Tawwaf and Completing the holy Qur'an (by reciting it all) for the Dead
Question: I sometimes perform Tawaf for one of my relatives or for my parents, or for my grandparents that are dead, what is the ruling on this? And also, what is the ruling upon completing the holy Qur’an for them (by reciting it)? May Allah reward you with good.
Answer: It is better that this (act) is left, because of the lack of evidence for it. However the charity has been legislated for you, for whom you love from your next of kin and other than them, if they were Muslims, and supplicating for them, making the Hajj and the Umrah for them. As for establishing the Prayer for them and performing Tawaf for them, reciting the holy Qur’an for them, then it is better to abandon this because of the lack of evidence for it.
And some of the people of knowledge allow this by making analogy with charity and supplication, (as a) precaution this should be left.
And success is with Allah.
Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Bin Baz
- The ruling on the two Rak'ahs of Tawaf and where they are to be prayed
Question: Are the two Rak'ahs of Tawaf behind the standing place of Abraham (Maqam Abraham) compulsory for every Tawaf, and what is the ruling on whoever forgets them?
Answer: It is not compulsory to perform them behind the standing place of Ibrahim. The two Rak'ahs may be prayed in any place in the Haram (i.e., Sacred Mosque). Whoever forgets them, there is no sin on him because they are Sunnah and not obligatory. And Allah gives success.
Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyyah Darussalam Vol:4 no.184
- Is purity a condition for Tawaf and Sa'y
Question: Is purity a required for Tawaf and Sa'y?
Answer: Purity is only required for Tawaf. In reference to Sa'y, it is better that it is performed with purity, but if the person performs Sa'y without purity, that is acceptable.
Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah Darussalam Vol: 4 page no. 179
- Time for Tawaf Al-Ifadah
Question: Dear scholars, as-salamu `alaykum. What is the exact time that Tawaf Al-Ifadah should be performed?
Jazakum Allah khayran!
Answer: The best time to perform Tawaf Al-Ifadah is before noon on the day of sacrifice, though there is disagreement among scholars concerning its end. Stressing this point, we will cite what Sheikh Sayyed Sabiq states in his well-known book, Fiqh As-Sunnah:
“According to Ash-Shafi'i and Ahmad, Tawaf Al-Ifadah can be performed from midnight of the day of sacrifice, the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah, and its end is indefinite. A male pilgrim is not permitted to have sexual intercourse with his wife until after he has completed Tawaf Al-Ifadah. Delaying it beyond the 11th, 12th and 13th of Dhul-Hijjah does not obligate a person to slaughter an animal, but it is disliked.
The best time to perform this Tawaf is before noon on the day of sacrifice. According to Abu Hanifah and Malik its time is from dawn on the day of sacrifice, though there is disagreement among scholars concerning its end.
Abu Hanifah says that it must be performed during the days of sacrifice, and if a pilgrim delays it beyond these days he must slaughter an animal to atone for it. Malik, on the other hand, is of the view that there is no harm in delaying this rite until after the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah, though doing it earlier during the days of Tashriq (the Days of Tashriq are 11, 12, and 13 Dhul-Hijjah) is better. Its time is until the end of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, and if it is performed after that time, then one must slaughter an animal in atonement. The Hajj of such a person will still be valid because according to Malik, the whole month is included in the months of Hajj.”
May Allah guide us all to the straight path!
Allah Almighty knows best.
Fatawa Issuing Body : Islam online
Author/Scholar : A Group of Islamic Researchers
- If the Woman gets her Menses before Tawaful-Ifadhah
Question: Concerning a woman who gets her menses or postnatal bleeding before she performs Tawaful-Ifadhah, is she required to remain in Mecca until she becomes pure and then perform Tawaf or can she travel to Jeddah or another place, then return and perfrom Tawaf when she becomes pure?
Answer: If she is able to remain in Mecca, she must remain in Mecca until she becomes pure and completes her Hajj. If she is not able, there is no harm on her traveling with her Mahram to Jeddah or At-Ta'if or somewhere similar, then returning with her Mahram after becoming pure to complete her Hajj rites.
Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah Darussalam Vol:4 page no.154
- Tawaful-Ifadhah suffices for Tawaful-Wada
Question: What is the ruling on whoever delays Tawaful-Ifadhah until Tawaful-wada, making them one Tawaf with the intention of Tawaful-Ifadhah and Tawaful-Wada together? Also, is it permissible to perform Tawaful-Ifadhah at night?
Answer: There is no problem with that if the person performs Tawaf when he is ready to travel after performing the action of Hajj.Verliy his Tawaful-Ifadhah suffices him for Tawaful-Wadaa, regardless of whether he intends Tawaful-Wada with Tawaful-Ifadhah or he does not intend it. What is intended is that Tawaful-Ifadhah alone suffices for Tawaful-wada if it is performed when leaving (Makkah). If the person intends them both together, there is no problem with that. Also, it is permissible to perform Tawaful-Ifadhah and Tawaful-Wada at night or during the day.
Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah Darussalam Vol:4 no.189